Thursday, May 14, 2009

Caterpillar Crazy!

Keira has always loved bugs.  She has been finding a lot of caterpillars around the yard lately.  She found a small one today and would not let it down.  We took a walk and she kept it in her hands the whole time.  Then she tried to feed it some grass.  It was cute!!

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As usual, the dogs joined us.  Marley and Kona trapped a ground squirrel in the rocks.  I root for the squirrels but unfortunately Marley gets one every now and then.  

The picture below is from Mother's Day. 
 (She just woke up!)

Have a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

Neurotic Atty said...

The mama and her clone! Take Keira to the Marshall campus -- the sidewalks were practically wriggling with caterpillars there the other day!